This potato salad is made without mayo and gets a fresh and light flavor through the addition of radishes. It also adds a bright color. I make it with...
This is also called a French cabbage salad. It is a wonderful way to serve cabbage. Skip the garlic, use cider vinegar, and it becomes a German cabbage...
This is an easy, flavorful coleslaw that is great as a stand-alone side dish or as a topping for fish or pulled pork tacos. This coleslaw is best when...
A simple coleslaw without mayonnaise marinates in a sweet and tangy dressing and is served cold. It's easy to make because you use a bag of shredded cabbage....
A mixture of cole slaw, green onions and broccoli combined with a dry mixture and a delicious dressing to create a wonderful salad that everyone will want...
No mayonnaise in this potato-corn salad. This different presentation is pretty with small skin-on whole potatoes that you smash. If desired, cover and...
This is a wonderful, refreshing roasted sweet potato salad with mangoes and avocados. It's very easy and never fails to impress! Add habanero peppers for...
Refreshing and easy. The subtle fennel flavor classes up an otherwise average summer picnic dish. It's cole slaw for those who don't usually like it! Save...
Living in southern Germany, this is one recipe that I had to get before we got back to the States. This style of potato salad is served at every restaurant...
A great salad for summer days, cool, crunchy and refreshingly light. The chicken breasts are preferably barbecued for extra flavor, but baked is ok too....
Are you tired of the same coleslaw? Try this colorful cabbage salad without mayonnaise, but instead, uses your freshly made fig-Dijon salad dressing. Don't...
A simple vegan coleslaw without any mayo. I add caraway seeds to my coleslaw as it helps with digestion. It tastes best after it has marinated for a few...
A crisp 'no-mayo' coleslaw that is great for potlucks. I have used honey-roasted peanuts and have used sunflower seeds. The honey-roasted peanuts taste...
This is not a sweet or mayo-heavy slaw. The dressing is creamy and rich and the sunflower seeds give it a great crunchy heartiness. Men who hate veggies...
Born vegan, this is a classic potato salad that can be found on Italian tables from the North to the South. In Italy, you'll find it everywhere: formal...
Pack in antioxidants. The ultimate in simplicity and refreshing taste, this coleslaw is flecked with green, red and yellow vegetables, the colors signifying...
Easy and refreshing marinated salad reminiscent of the salad from the Weequahic Diner in Newark, New Jersey. A family favorite that can be made days in...
This cold chicken coleslaw salad is wonderful, because you prepare it ahead of time and mix it up just before serving. It's also an easy salad to travel...
This hearty salad is typical from the Liege region in Belgium. It can be made with canned beans and pre-cooked bacon strips but the fresh version is way...
This salad consists of green cabbage, onions, cilantro, tomatoes, bacon bits, almonds, and sesame oil. This is a favorite of everyone I make it for, and...
This is a different twist on coleslaw that goes over really well. It is based on a recipe I found in a cookbook but I found it was much simpler to make...
This is not for the weak stomach; this spicy slaw is a nice addition when you want to add a side dish with an Asian flair. Refrigerate salad for at least...